When you’re on a budget, money is very important and has to be spent wisely. Eating healthy on a budget is quite a task, but it can be done! Here are a few tips and guidelines that you can follow to make sure you adhere to your budget and still get everything you need:
1. Cook at home! It is a known fact that it costs less money to purchase food at a grocery store and cook at home instead of dining out at various eateries numerous times a week.
2. Grocery shop before the weekends. When you have fresh food in your refrigerator, the more likely you are to stay at home and cook.
3. Shop for seasonal produce. Even though modern-day grocery stores allow you to get strawberries and tomatoes year-round, you’re paying more for less; in size and taste. Purchase fresh, seasonal produce, and watch your dollar stretch.
4. Shop at the farmers market. Whole food stores have some of the best produce, but it is also very expensive. Another place you can venture to is the farmers market. Many people decide to go there not just for the community atmosphere, but because they have the same great produce for a lower price.
5. Eat leafy greens. A good thing to do because they are very nutritious and inexpensive. A few leafy greens that you may want to include in your diet from time to time would be broccoli, collard greens, spinach and kale.
6. Purchase food in bulk. In the long run, you will get more food for the money you spend. And in doing so, save a lot of money.
7. Eat less meat. This will be one of the easiest ways that you can save money, but it’s a challenge for a lot of people. You will not have to quit eating meat all together, but try to limit your meat intake to one to two times a week.
8. If you plan on having fish, try purchasing fish that comes in a can. Fish is a very important part of a healthy diet, but fresh fish can be rather pricey .
9. Instead of purchasing expensive desserts, make a fresh fruit dessert.
Think long-term about your budget and the foods you need to have to complete a healthy diet. Healthy eating on a budget will require discipline, but it can be done!