Golds Gym

Golds Gym LocationThere are many Gold’s Gyms locations across the United States and around the globe. Though Gold’s Gyms started out small, they did not stay that way for very long. They started in California and were quickly known as the largest global coed gym that has facilities that are up to 12,000 sq ft. These gyms contain free weights, cardio training, machines, and in various locations, movie theaters.

Gold’s Gyms Location

Gold’s Gyms has over 500 locations across the United States and others across the globe. There are locations in Egypt, Australia, and Europe as well in Indonesia, Ecuador, and Peru. Only Alaska, Hawaii, and 7 other states are without a Gold’s Gym location as of April 2011. The states that do not have a gym location is Vermont, Wyoming, South Dakota, Ohio, New Mexico, and Mississippi.

Gold’s Gym Membership

Gold’s Gym gives you a free 7-day VIP pass to try everything they have to offer. You need to sign up on their website to get your free 7-day pass to use the facilities and any free exercise classes. Gold’s Gym membership prices start at $30 a month and the more options you add to your membership the higher your monthly premium.

Gold’s Gym Equipment

You do not have to have a membership to use Gold’s Gym equipment. If you are looking to start your own home gym, you can purchase the same equipment they use in their individual facilities. And Gold’s equipment is considered to be among the best brands on the market today. They offer just about every type of exercise equipment you could ever need. No matter what reason you need to work out, whether it is to lose weight or to tone up, there is equipment that is right for you. They offer ellipticals, treadmills, dumb bells, weight benches, and full exercise machines. It all depends on what type of equipment you are looking for; Gold’s Gym has the right one for you.

Whether you go to a Gold’s Gym facility or you purchase the equipment to use at home, make sure you follow all of the safety instructions and only use the equipment in the manner it is intended. You can cause great harm to you and your body if you do not use the equipment properly. If you are a beginner, it may be best to talk to a personal trainer to ensure you are doing the correct exercises to reach your fitness goal.

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