Best Foods for Weight Loss

by Jdreesen on September 15, 2011

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Best Foods for Weight LossIf you are looking to shed a few pounds, there are several great foods which can be considered some of the best for weight loss. Some are foods which are high in health fats, others are high in fiber, and there are foods that are going to keep you full for a long time, so that you will not over-eat the next time you sit down to a meal. So, if you are looking for some of the best weight loss foods, here are a couple of the consider adding these best foods for weight loss into your diet.

Best Weight Loss Foods

Almonds are a great snacking food, one of the best weight loss foods. Since this healthy snack is high in healthy fats, and has a regulating chemical for those with blood sugar problems, it is a great choice to shed some weight. When your blood sugar levels drop, you get hungry. Eating a handful of almonds will quickly solve that problem in a healthy way.

One of the best fruits to take the weight off is apples. Eating an apple before a heavy pasta dish, or something of a similar calorie level, will help you consume less of that dish while you are eating. The high levels of fiber in apples will allow your stomach to fill up, meaning you are going to consume fewer calories when you are eating a large meal. So, next time you sit down to a pasta or a heavy meal, make sure to eat an apple beforehand.

Another high in fiber food to consider are black beans. There have been several studies which find that bean eaters weigh less and have a slimmer mid section than those who don’t consume this power food. Beans have fat fighting components, soluble and insoluble fiber, are high in protein, and have a fat-burning carbohydrates as well. This super food is definitely one to add to the diet if you want to lose some weight.

A great vegetable to add to the mix is cauliflower. The high amounts of vitamin C will really surprise you. In just ½ cup of fresh cauliflower, you will get close to 40% of an entire day’s worth of vitamin C. The vegetable is also extremely low in calories, and can easily replace a heavier food, since it is so hearty in taste and stature. It can easily replace something like mashed potatoes, and when properly prepared, you won’t miss the heavier fare.

Believe it or not, your daily caffeine fix can be a great thing for a slimmer waist line as well. Coffee is one way to quickly boost your metabolism. The caffeine in the coffee bean can raise a resting metabolic rate by up to 15%, and this boost can last for up to four hours at a time. It also has great type–two diabetes fighting chemicals as well. So, drink your daily cup of joe, and remember it’s helping in the weight loss battle as well.

There are several other great foods which are considered some of the best weight loss foods to add to your diet. These are a few foods which are easy to incorporate to any diet, and you will see the pounds start to come off. For other foods, ask a certified nutritionist, and remember diet is only one half of a healthy weight loss plan.

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